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Cattle Showing Times

Cattle Showing Times


10.00am              Aberdeen Angus
10.00am              Hereford
10.00am              Charolais
10.00am              Dairy Cattle

10.30am              British Blue
10.30am              Saler
10.30am              British Blondes
10.30am              Shorthorn
10.30am              Simmentals
10.30am              Rare Breed
10.30am              Dexter

11.00am              Commercials
11.00am              Limousin

1.00pm                Beef Young Handlers

2.00pm                Special Interbreed Classes

3.00pm                Overall Interbreed

3.30pm                Overall Cattle Show Champion

Following breeds will be sharing a ring

  1. British Blues, Salers & British Blondes
  2. Dexter & Rarebreeds
  3. Shorthorns & Simmentals
  4. Commerical & Limousin
  5. All other breeds will have their own ring