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Kids Art Competition

ATTENTION !!!!!! All Primary Schools ages 7-11 (P4-P7)

A Competition to design a picture depicting the Clogher Valley Show.
First, second & third prize winners will have their winning picture displayed in the Show catalogue.
Title: What the Show is all about or an Agricultural Scene.
There is no entry fee for this competition.

The closing date is Friday 4h July 2025

Entries should be left in with the Secretary at the Show Office.
Each entry should include the following – the artists name, School, class/age and most importantly a contact number on the BACK of the painting.
Any queries contact Ruth on 02885548883
Looking forward to receiving your entries
PAINTINGS/Drawings should be on A4 size please.

The Captain Lowry Bursary Award

This is £1000 Bursary for someone in the Clogher Valley who is studying agriculture in one of the CAFRE campus.

This year’s winner was Jessica Mc Keown, she proved to be an invaluable asset to Ruth in the office prior to the show as well as home industries and the cattle section.

Thanks very much for all your help and wish you well in your future education.

The Arthur Thompson Memorial Trophy

The Arthur Thompson Memorial Trophy is presented to a young person who contributes to the successful running of the show.

This year the worthy recipient was Ethan Mc Girr. Ethan has being helping out at the show since he hit double digits and at only 17 he had dedicated over 7 summers already, from learning the ropes from his grandad Philip to taking a more active roll in being responsible to setting up trade exhibitors stands. There is a lot of unseen work that goes on and Ethan has given 100% to any job asked of him. The love for the show must be in his blood, with his granny as show secretary, his granda and mum in organising the horse field. Congratulations Ethan very well deserved

Charity Donation

As we wrap up the Clogher Valley Show for another year we look back on how fortunate we were with the weather that day and made it a great show for all involved.
As always we work with a chosen charity and this year it was ACE (Augher, Clogher & Eskra) first responders.

Presentations were made of over £3800 to ACE on behalf of

- Clogher Valley Show Vintage Section

-Clogher Valley Young Farmers Club

- Blonde Cattle Society

£1000 Gortavoy Feeds Star of the Future Championship Class