ATTENTION !!!!!! All Primary Schools ages 7-11 (P4-P7)
A Competition to design a picture depicting the Clogher Valley Show.
First, second & third prize winners will have their winning picture displayed in the Show catalogue.
Title: What the Show is all about or an Agricultural Scene.
There is no entry fee for this competition.
The closing date is Friday 12th July 2024
Entries should be left in with the Secretary at the Show Office.
Each entry should include the following – the artists name, School, class/age and most importantly a contact number on the BACK of the painting.
Any queries contact Ruth on 02885548883
Looking forward to receiving your entries
PAINTINGS/Drawings should be on A4 size please.
Our Nominated Charity for 2024 Show are The ACE 1st Responders
The “ACE 1st Responders” is a group of local volunteers who have come together to provide Medical Support and Cover to the Communities living in and around, Augher, Clogher and Eskra.
To be able to get up and running and have all our Volunteers trained and fully kitted out with all the adequate medical equipment including defibrillators we need to raise £20,000
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